Lyrics of In Un Momento (In a Moment) (from unpublished works never set to music)
(Note: in the Italian version of this page, instead of a transation you will find the metric of the song, that is, the way to sing it)
Text | Translation |
Finisce qui... in un momento Ma resterą nella tua mente Il primo bacio a bocca chiusa E quel sorriso che fai tu... nella mia mente. |
It ends up here... in a moment But it will remain in your mind The first kiss with closed mouth And that smile you make... in my mind. |
Ma non potrai, neanche un momento Dormire se, vicino a te c'č lui Ti sembrerą che stai stringendo me Seppure fra le braccia tue ci sarą lui. |
But you can't, not even for a moment To sleep if, next to you is he It will feel like you are holding me Though in your arms there will be him. |
Mio caro amore ripeterai tutte le cose fatte con me Forse in principio ti sembrerą che tutto č uguale... come con me. |
My dear love you will repeat all the things you did with me Maybe in the beginning it will seem to you that everything is the same... like with me. |
Ma poco a poco ti accorgerai che c'č qualcosa che hai dato a me Mi penserai e capirai che qualche cosa ti mancherą. |
But little by little you'll realize that there's something you've given to me You'll think of me and realize that some things you'll miss. |