The Lyrics of All the Guido Renzi's Songs
In this page you will find the complete list of the lyrics of all the Guido Renzi songs. Just click to the album's link to find the lyrics that correspond to each song. Some song are not by Guido Renzi, in this case, we will simply mention it and we will try to reference the original author, if copyrights apply.
Quick Navigation
(click on the name of the album to directly jump to the song)Amica mia |
Tanto cara |
Miscellanea |
A Songwriter Without Age (Amica Mia, the 80s Version) |
Unpublished (little known recent songs) |
Unreleased lyrics, never put into music |
Amica Mia Album, Original Version
Amica mia (Renzi, Guglielmi)Tu che mi hai preso il cuor (Lehar, Rastrelli)
Il tempo dell'amore (Renzi, Guglielmi, Mirigliano)
Un Uomo Qualunque (Renzi, Guglielmi, Mirigliano)
La Verità (Renzi, Guglielmi, Mirigliano)
Un Sorriso (Renzi, Guglielmi, Mirigliano)
Un'ora (Renzi, Guglielmi, Mirigliano)
Se (Renzi, Guglielmi, Mirigliano)
Negli Occhi Miei (Renzi, Guglielmi, Mirigliano)
Bocconi Amari (Renzi, Guglielmi, Mirigliano)
Una rosa per Maria (Paolo Ferrara)
Non si vive di soli ricordi (Renzi, Piccolo, Guglielmi)
Qui Nel Buio (Renzi, Guglielmi)
Tanto Cara Album
Tanto Cara (Mirigliano / Mancinotti / Bill Conti)Quattro Marzo (L. Dalla)
Vola Canzone (Renzi / Guglielmi / Mirigliano)
Bella di Giorno (Renzi / Guglielmi)
Così (Renzi / Guglielmi)
Una rosa per Maria (Paolo Ferrara) (Song also present in the album: Amica Mia)
Qui Nel Buio (Renzi, Guglielmi) (Song also present in the album: Amica Mia)
E se Domani (Rossi)
Ridi Bambina (Renzi, Guglielmi)
Amore Mio (Renzi, Guglielmi)
Buona Notte Amore (Renzi, Guglielmi, Mirigliano)
Lei (Renzi, Guglielmi, Mirigliano)
Miscellanea Album
Storia del Bene (Renzi / Guglielmi / Mirigliano)Storia del Male (Renzi / Guglielmi / Mirigliano)
Reggina Gol (Renzi / Meakin)
Amica Mia, the 80s Version
Amica mia (Renzi, Guglielmi)Per una volta (Renzi, Prioreschi, Mirigliano, Guglielmi)
La Verità (Renzi, Guglielmi, Mirigliano)
La nostra storia (Renzi, Guglielmi, Mirigliano)
La sera (Renzi, Guglielmi, Mirigliano)
Tango (Renzi, Guglielmi, Mirigliano)
Tanto Cara (Mirigliano, Mancinotti)
Un Uomo Qualunque (Renzi, Guglielmi, Mirigliano)
Il Diario (Renzi, Guglielmi, Mirigliano)
Un Sorriso (Renzi, Guglielmi, Mirigliano)
Negli Occhi Miei (Renzi, Guglielmi, Mirigliano)
Un'ora (Renzi, Guglielmi, Mirigliano)
Unpublished, recent and little known songs
La Sposa (Renzi, Sindoni)Storia d'Amore (Renzi, Sindoni)
L'Altro (Renzi, Sindoni)
Poesia (Renzi, Sindoni)
Unpublished texts of Guido Renzi's songs that have never been set to music
Ad Occhi Aperti (Renzi) | Story of a nonconformist who finds himself in the dilemma between not continuing to fight against the ignorant majority or remaining alone. |
Ada (Renzi) | Story of a man who can not fight against the charm of the beloved woman. |
Aiutami (Renzi) | Madre natura rimprovera l'uomo per aver distrutto l'armonia che lo circonda e aver segnato la sua stessa fine. |
All'Improvviso (Renzi) | This song is about a new love that comes unexpectedly but intensely, a love that seems unparalleled. |
Amore e Paura (Renzi) | This short song is about a woman who lost the interest of friends and suitors once she fell in love with the main character. |
Arrivederci Amore Mio (Renzi) | Song about a love that ended but that, at least according to the protagonist, leaves indelible traces... |
Cara Signora Mia (Renzi) | This song expresses the eternal dilemma of marital dissatisfaction and infidelity. |
Due Notti (Renzi) | Song that evokes an almost true story where a boy is disappointed by an adventure in the context of free love in the 60's that lasted only two nights that he wished would have lasted longer... |
Due Occhi Tristi (Renzi) | A group of teenagers, the misfit who doesn't fit in, the arrival of a girl who drives everyone crazy and casually takes an interest in him, until one day they both disappear, presumably running away together. Incomplete song, but with clear intentions. |
È Amore (Renzi) | This song expresses the dilemma of someone who, when faced with true love, is in the dilemma of whether to seize the fleeting moment, or regret something that may not come back. |
È Una Storia Finì (Renzi) | It is the eternal repetition of a small but great first love, which at the beginning did not count for much but then in the memories will have its greatest value. |
Facile (Renzi) | Young people always believe that the first love is the most important and unrepeatable, but in this song, the narrator knows full well, or thinks he knows, that this is not the case. |
Il coraggio di una scelta (Renzi) | Song with an autobiographical flavor about a man who, having reached a certain age, considers examining his entire past to see if he would make the same choices again. |
Il gioco della vita (Renzi) | In this song, a dialogue is imagined between a mature man and an inexperienced young man, probably father and son. |
Immaginando (Renzi) | Song forged on the memory of two teenagers who grew up together experiencing their first platonic love that will not materialize, but will remain in the memories of both, in him with nostalgic tenderness, in her with regret. |
In fondo all'anima (Renzi) | This song attempts to describe the way a man in love feels and the power the woman he loves can have over him. |
In un momento (Renzi) | The eternal obsession of the first love and the first kiss is expressed once again in this song, but in the memory of the one who lived it and believes that the rival who is now with the beloved will not be able to match. |
Inno All'Amore (Renzi) | This song exactly describes its title. It is a hymn, in song form, of a free and general love, without referring to anyone in particular, without social or moralistic limits, but at the same time without violence and obligations. |
Insieme a me (Renzi) | Song inspired by Star Dust, about the end of a love affair, a last meeting in a bar, the emptiness and loneliness that follow, the man left on the street reflects, the meeting place is now closed, night has already fallen and inspires dark mediations... |
Io per te (Renzi) | Again another history about the first kiss, first thime for her, first intense love for him. |
Israella (Renzi) | Song dedicated to the Jewish people and their homelandless history that finally culminates in the creation of the State of Israel, born out of an arid desert like a flower in an oasis. |
L'Amica (Renzi) | Song inspired by a conversation in a park, between two female friends, that Guido Renzi really listened, while he was in his car. |
L'Arte Della Vita (Renzi) | Musical expression of a series of advice a father gives to a pre-teen daughter, to prepare her for life. |
La Tua Mano (Renzi) | The story of two people who have wanted to meet for a long time but who finally meet by chance and discover that they still feel emotions that they thought they would never feel again. And, in the doubt that tomorrow could erase those moments, what matters most now is to go hand in hand. |
Lettera (Renzi) | This song is about a love that the protagonists thought was idyllic, but which ends like so many other stories and a letter is precisely what lays bare the reality of things. |
Lui Per Lei (Renzi) | Story of a man who was a girl's first love and made the mistake of abandoning her only to regret it when she finally, after several stories gone wrong, found the true love that remained. |
Mio Padre (Renzi) | A song that Guido Renzi wrote in memory of his father but which could actually apply to anyone. |
Pensiero a Due (Renzi) | Song expressing the feeling of a couple before the begin of their great love. |
Ragazza Mia (Renzi) | In this song a man explains to a woman why he loves another instead of her. |
Roma Nostra (Renzi) | In praise of Rome, Guido Renzi's hometown, sung in local dialect |
Se Vorrai (Renzi) | Another song dedicated to who wants to be different, who wants to be himself and is not satisfied with being like everyone else. A very recurring theme in Guido Renzi. |
Solo se capirete (Renzi) | Song against ignorance, injustice, prejudice and discrimination of all kinds, according to Guido Renzi. |
Stringi i Pugni (Renzi) | Story of two people who struggled against themselves and their destiny for a love interdicted, but wanted at any cost by one of the two characters (her or him), until love exploded in both of them. |
Tante Donne (Renzi) | This song describes two young people who are very much in love and who get away from formalities and love each other completely freely. |
Un Uomo e Una Donna (Renzi) | Love story between two people of different ages, vindicating how the laws of nature supersede social ones. Final reference to the last verse of Paradise in The Divine Comedy. |
Uomo (Renzi) | This song somewhat sums up the game of life through which all boys must necessarily go before maturing. |
Vendi l'Anima (Renzi) | She, a woman of extraordinary personality, he, an inexperienced boy who lusts after her until she decides to please him, however, using devilish words and expressions referring to the fact that he will then succumb to her charms by submitting. |
Impossibile (Renzi) | Every love is the greatest because, every love resembles no other. This song describes the magic that accompanies any love, all similar and unique at the same time. |
Sei Bella (Renzi) | Another typical song that with its nuances could perfectly describe every man in love, as if to say that love is always the same but each time different. |