Lyrics of Solo se Capirete (If you'll Understand) (from unpublished works never set to music)
(Note: in the Italian version of this page, instead of a transation you will find the metric of the song, that is, the way to sing it)
Text | Translation |
Solo se capirete Che siete nati bianchi Ma potevate pure Nascere neri o gialli Niente pił colori. |
If you'll understand You have born white But you may have born Black or yellow too No more colors. |
Solo se capirete Che ognuno ha il suo ideale Che ognuno ha il suo cervello E vuol restare tale Niente pił bariere. |
Only if you'll understand That each one has his ideal That each one has his mind And so want to be No more barriers. |
Solo se capirete Che liberi si nasce Non cerchereste sempre Di soggiocare gli altri Niente pił catene. |
Only if you'll understand That we born free You would not try to Always dominate others No more chains. |
Solo se capirete Che pure voi sbagliate Litighereste meno Non nascerebbe l'odio Niente pił cannoni. |
Only if you'll understand You get wrong too You would discuss less Hate would not arise No more canons. |