Lyrics of La Sera (At Evening)
(Note: in the Italian version of this page, instead of a transation you will find the metric of the song, that is, the way to sing it)
Text | Translation |
Io Che la notte non dormo... Perché penso a te |
I Who do not sleep at night ..cause I think to you |
Anche Se lo so che non serve Non riesco a spiegarmi Perché non sto con te |
Even Though I know I it's useless I can't explain to myself Why I'm not now with you. |
(chorus) | |
La sera Un lampione s'accende Una macchina passa Chissà dove va |
At evening A streetlight goes on A car goes by Who knows where it goes |
La sera Una luce si spegne Una voce si sente Ma non chiama me |
At evening A light goes out A voice is heard But it doesn't talk to me |
La sera Quando tutto è silenzio C'è gente che ride... Chissà poi perché |
At evening When everything is silence There are people laughing Who knows why they do |
Pensi a me? Chissà se pensi a me Da quel momento Che non ho scelto te |
Are you thinking about me? I wonder if you're thinking about me From that moment on I decided not to stay with you |
(chorus) | |
La sera Il telefono squilla Qualcuno mi chiama Però non sei tu. |
At evening The phone rings Someone is calling But it's not you |
La sera Non so stare da solo A trovare il coraggio E tornare da te |
At evening I just can't be alone Or find the courage To come back to you |
La sera Tanta gente va a casa Convinta che ha tutto Ed ha meno di me |
At evening Everybody go home Convinced that they have everything And they have less than me |
Chi lo sa Se pensi ancora a me Quando sei sola O hai qualcuno con te |
Who knows it? If you still think of me When you're alone Or have someone with you... |
La sera Un lampione s'accende Una macchina passa Chissà dove va |
At evening A streetlight goes on A car goes by Who knows where it goes |
La sera Una luce si spegne Una voce si sente Ma non chiama me |
At evening A light goes out A voice is heard But it doesn't talk to me |
La sera Quando tutto è silenzio C'è gente che ride... Chissà poi perché |
At evening When everything is silence There are people laughing Who knows why they do |
Pensi a me? Chissà se pensi a me Da quel momento Che non ho scelto te |
Are you thinking about me? I wonder if you're thinking about me From that moment on I decided not to stay with you |
La sera Il telefono squilla Qualcuno mi chiama Però non sei tu. |
At evening The phone rings Someone is calling But it's not you |
La sera Non so stare da solo A trovare il coraggio E tornare da te |
At evening I just can't be alone Or find the courage To come back to you |
La sera Tanta gente va a casa Convinta che ha tutto Ed ha meno di me |
At evening Everybody go home Convinced that they have everything And they have less than me |
(fading out) |
Genesis of the song La Sera (The Evening)
This song was born out of a feeling of loneliness and a moment of deep sadness as Guido Renzi waited for a girl who had gone away and... never came back.
At the time, Guido Renzi was 19 years old and making his debut as a semi-professional singer in Porto Recanati, on the Adriatic Sea, when he got the inspiration for this song he experienced the end of a love affair, but also the beginning of an artistic vocation.