Lyrics of Lui Per Lei (Him for Her) (from unpublished works never set to music)
(Note: in the Italian version of this page, instead of a transation you will find the metric of the song, that is, the way to sing it)
Text | Translation |
Gli ritornò alla mente in un momento Bagnata di dolore e di sudore Adesso sono donna gli diceva Ma lui rideva e non la vide più. |
She came back to his mind in a moment Wet with pain and sweat Now I am a woman she told him But he laughed and never saw her again. |
La ricordava ancora una bambina Innamorata forse più di lui Adesso invece era la regina Di ogni piacere e di ogni libertà. |
He remembered her like a little girl In love perhaps more than him Now she was the queen Of each pleasure and freedom. |
Negli occhi suoi quel volto all'improvviso Così diverso eppure ancora uguale Per un istante ancora fu bambina Ma questa volta lui non se ne andò. |
In his eyes that face, suddently So different but still so equal During an instant, she still was a child But this time, he didn't leave. |
Dicono che la cerca in ogni posto Da quella sera in cui davanti a lei Piangendo come fosse un ragazzino La vide andare e non tornare più. |
People say he is looking for her everywhere Since that evening when, in front of her Crying like a child He saw her go and never return. |