Lyrics of Storia del Male (History of Evil)
(Note: in the Italian version of this page, instead of a transation you will find the metric of the song, that is, the way to sing it)
Text | Translation |
E fù poco a poco Che nacque l'orgoglio La voglia di avere Le cose degli altri |
And little by little The pride took form The wish to want Other people's things |
Finché venne il giorno Che un uomo ad un altro Le terre rubando Gli tolse la vita |
And it came the day Where a man to another By stealing his lands He took his life |
Ci fù chi era ricco E chi nulla aveva Nasceva l'invidia del proprio fratello Morirono i fiori Fiorirono ordigni Coi quali si fece Di popoli strage |
There was who was rich And who nothing had The envy was born Of one's brother Flowers died Weapons fleurished To make everywhere Massacre of people |
(chorus) | |
La guerra chimica Seguì l'atomica Le acque con l'aria Per sempre inquinando Milioni di piccoli E grossi animali Con alberi e cose Distrutti dall'odio E un bimbo bevendo Dell'acqua di un fiume Perdette per sempre Il corpo innocente |
The chemical war The the atomic war Waters and airs Forever contaminated Millions of little And big animals Trees and natural things Destroyed by evil And a child while drinking Some water from a river Has lost foverver His innocent body |
(back to theme) | |
Restò la sua voce Per dire alle genti La fine di tutto Parlò come Dio Avete turbato La vostra armonia Togliendo equilibrio A ciò che ho creato |
His voice was still there He spoke to people It is the end of everything He spoke like God You have troubled Your beloved harmony Removing equilibre From what I created |
Al corpo soltanto Avete pensato Usando la mente Per fare del male Così ve lo tolgo Vi lascio la voce Perché in altri mondi Parliate per me |
Your body was Your only concern You used your mind To hurt life So I will deprive you of your body Juste leaving your voice So in other worlds You'll speak about me |