Lyrics of the song Il Diario (The Diary, story of a teenager in the 1980s)
(Note: in the Italian version of this page, instead of a transation you will find the metric of the song, that is, the way to sing it)
Text | Translation |
Quel libretto color rosa Che portavi sempre appresso E del quale eri gelosa Ora so che è il tuo diario. |
That pink notebook You always carried with you And of which you were jealous Now I know it is your diary. |
L'ho trovato ieri sera Sotto un libro in casa tua Mentre stavo ad aspettare Che tornavi dalla scuola. |
I found it yesterday, at evening Under a book in your house While I was waiting You come back from school. |
Quando ho letto: giorno dieci, Ero donna più di sempre C'era lui mi amava molto Ha creduto fosse il primo |
When I read, day ten, I felt more woman than ever He loved me so much And believed he was my first |
Mi stringeva a mi diceva Che di me era innamorato E sognava quel momento Da due anni o forse più. |
He would hug me and tell me That he was in love with me And he had been waiting for this moment For two years or maybe more. |
(chorus) | |
Quando a scuola mi guardava E vedeva lo sbocciare Di quel corpo di ragazza Che turbava le sue notti. |
When at the school he was looking at me And he was watching the blossoming Of the body of the girl Who troubled his nights. |
E alla fine di quel foglio Come in tutti quanti gli altri A commento di quel giorno, C'era scritto: ho sedici anni. |
And at the bottom of the page As in all the others As a comment of that day, It was written: I am sixteen years old. |
(repetition of the subject) | |
Non lo so se è stata rabbia O soltanto delusione Di sapere che pensavi Che per te contavo poco. |
I don't know if it was anger Or it was just desappointment Knowing that for you I didn't count for much. |
Ma che tu lo creda o meno Da quell'attimo preciso Diventavo solamente... Uno in più fra i tuoi ricordi. |
Whether you believe it or not From that exact moment I became just One more of your memories. |
(repetition of chorus and fading) |
Genesis and origin of the song The Diary
Guido Renzi was in his car waiting for someone and saw a very pretty young girl who was carrying a small book in her hands and seemed afraid of losing it. He became curious, as a writer of lyrics, to imagine what that diary might contain. From there the whole story of a budding love was born.