Lyrics of Un Sorriso Song (A Smile)
(Note: in the Italian version of this page, instead of a transation you will find the metric of the song, that is, the way to sing it)
Text | Translation |
Sai se potessi fermerei Il mio tempo a poco fa Sorridevi stretta a me |
You know... if I could I would stop My time a few ago You smiled embrassing me |
E mi dicevi che per te Nessun'altro dopo me Ti potrebbe dar l'amore |
And you told me that for you Nobody else after me Would give you the love |
Se lo hai creduto, come me Sarà vero anche per te |
If, you believed that like me It would be true also for you |
(chorus) | |
Che quel momento durerà Molto più del tempo che, Gli sappiamo dare noi |
That, this moment would last Much more than the time that, We were able to make it last |
(back to main theme) | |
Io se potessi ti darei L'emozione che mi da, Quel sorriso che fai tu |
I, if I could, I would give you The emotion you gived me, That smile.. that you make |
(chorus again) | |
Se, veramente io per te, Fossi ciò che dici tu... Capiresti certo che |
If, really for you, I would be who you say Sure you would know |
(back to the main theme) | |
Che... quel sorriso fermerà Un'immagine di te |
That... this simle would freeze An image from you |
(final chorus) | |
E io per te diventerò Chi ha fermato il tempo che, Non potrai scordare mai |
And for you I would become Who stopped the time that, You would never forget |
(end) |