Lyrics of Arrivederci Amore Mio (Goodbye my Love) (from unpublished works never set to music)
(Note: in the Italian version of this page, instead of a transation you will find the metric of the song, that is, the way to sing it)
Text | Translation |
Arrivederci amore mio Se un giorno tu mi penserai E tornerà nella tua mente L'amore che tu davi a me. |
Goodbye my love If one day you will think of me And it will come back in your mind The love you used to give me. |
Ricorderai le mie parole E tutto ciò che ero per te Anche se avrai vicino un altro Ripenserai ancora a me. |
You will remember my words And everything I was for you Even if you will have another aound you You will think about me again. |
(chorus) | |
Arrivederci amore mio Io so che mi ricorderai E cercherai guardando lui La tenerezza del mio amor. |
Goodbye my love I know you will remember me And you will search, looking at him The tendreness of my love. |
Ti sembrerà che in fondo agli occhi suoi Ritroverai l'amore che Provavi solamente assieme a me E forse il tempo tuo si fermerà. |
It will seem to you that deep inside his eyes You will find again the love You only felt for me And maybe your time will stop. |
(back to theme) | |
Arrivederci amore mio Se la tua mano gli darai Lui leggerà negli occhi tuoi L'amor che un giorno hai dato a me. |
Goodbye my love If you'll give him your hand He will read in your eyes The love that once you gave to me. |